Pre-Prep Program

Ready, Set, Thrive!

Pre-Prep timetable 2025

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30am – 3:00pm

Pre-Prep is a 4/5 Year old program offering 4 days a week and led by two supportive, creative and enthusiastic educators. Pre-Prep caters for the older child who would benefit from another year of kinder or a longer program. Children will learn and extend their social skills, build resilience and greater confidence through play, emerging ready to thrive as they embark on their school journey. Our program is child initiated and engaging with planned intentional teaching experiences supporting preparation for school readiness.

The curriculum focuses on extending literacy and numeracy and equipping children with the tools to be confident learners at school.  In Pre-Prep children’s interests and skills are developed through individual and small group project work and are embedded in rich children’s literature.  Educators hold a belief that all children leave with a view of themselves as capable and curious individuals equipped with skills to research and investigate their wonderings and form a deep love of learning and connection with others.  Throughout the year there is a rich emphasis on extracurricular experiences including: Little Learners Love Literacy program, Science, Music, Drama, Yoga, Library, Mandarin and PMP.

Our newly renovated outdoor environment also supports children who learn best outside. We are fortunate at St Paul’s to have access to three recreational spaces for delivery of our PMP program and areas for active children to play.  The children will benefit from regular visits to the local primary school and an extended bush kinder program at Wattle Park to help facilitate connections with the wider community.

Please see link to Pre-Prep Selection Criteria. The indicative program fees apply to children who are eligible to receive DET Funding. Children who are not eligible to receive DET funding will be required to pay the full funding amount in addition to the program fees above.

If you wish to discuss whether the Pre-Prep program would be suitable for your child, or if you have any questions about the program, please email


St Paul's Anglican Kindergarten Three year old group

Focusing on emotional development and independence through play.

St Paul's Anglican Kindergarten Four year old group

Developing social and self-help skills along with foundations for numeracy and literacy.

St Paul's Anglican Kindergarten Pre Prep Group

A school readiness program for the older child who would benefit from another year of kinder or a longer program. 

St. Paul’s Anglican Kindergarten

29 Highfield Road, Canterbury VIC.
 (03) 9830 1117
For all enrolment or program-related queries please contact our Enrolments officer via email: